Keep calm and carry on
By: Mr. Whit*
I imagine you are all feeling all sorts of emotions right now in the middle of a Spring Break where you were supposed to go home, or go to Japan (then Guam), or to some far-flung place you couldn’t wait to visit with your family or friends. Or to just be here with other people doing what you normally do when you don’t have school.
But you’re still on Saipan. And alone. In your home. And you’re (wisely) keeping a social distance. Wondering what everyone is up to. Looking at your phone for updates. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
If Mac in a Gecko costume doesn’t make you smile then you need to check your pulse.
If you are feeling depressed, you aren’t alone. If you are feeling relieved to be home for another week, you aren’t alone. If you are wondering how you are going to finish the school year, you are not alone. The reality of it is: all of us are feeling all sorts of things right now.
So now what?
Great question!
Here is the time to put some new things into practice.
Make a list. Like I am about to do :) Make a list of what you can accomplish today. Make a list of all the things you are grateful for. Make a list of things you need to put on hold. Make a list of your priorities. Make a list of people you love. Make a list of ways to keep you sane. Make a list of the movies you want to watch. Make a list of the people you want to call. Just get it all out of your head. Lists are just flat out fun to make, keep you productive and remind you of things to be grateful for.
Make your bed. Sounds like what your parents tell you, I know, but it will set your day right. If you can get little parts of your life organized at home it is going to help you organize the rest of your day. It could weirdly set you up for the rest of the day being a success.
Get outside. For the love of all things, get outside. Saipan is the perfect place to get fresh air and there is no limit of places to go and not be in the middle of all the chaos. Go for a walk. Do jumping jacks. Sit and stare into the beautiful blue water. According to one study, you don’t even have to move to reap the benefits of the outdoors. But put down the book/device/remote/muffin and GET OUTSIDE!
Stay focused. While school is online, chances are you’ll be doing a lot more independent work. Don’t slack off because no one is looking. Lose yourself in the work that you might have a little more time to complete. Allow the lessons of history, literature, math, and science offer you some comfort in these uncertain times. Human beings, you will find, are amazing.
Stay positive! There is still good news out there because humans are capable of amazing things. Also, this isn’t our first time dealing with difficult scenarios that we found our way out of. Things will seem hard at first mostly because they are new and different. New and different is almost never easy and it inevitably comes with stress and anxiety. Lean into it. Remember, as the saying goes, this too shall pass.
*This blog is by Mr. Whit and does not necessarily reflect SIS faculty and staff views.
Channel your inner-Ms Pam. :)