What We Are All About
We also hold these virtues
to be an important part of the SIS experience. We want all members of our community to incorporate them into their being.
Leadership: The learner demonstrates exemplary standards and is a role model for other SIS learners.
Motivate self and peers to achieve goals
Expect best of self and of peers
Be a follower when the situation calls for it
Respect: The learner will listen objectively, seek conflict resolutions, and understand the value of working cooperatively and independently with regard for diverse cultures and viewpoints by developing the following skills.
Treat others with dignity and courtesy
Accept and value different ideas and belief systems in others
Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills
Initiative: The learner will set, pursue, and accomplish challenging personal goals in his or her education or career, and obtain personal independence through self-confidence by developing the following skills.
Have a realistic and positive view of oneself
Develop skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle
Be willing to take risks in creating and developing ideas
Responsibility: The learner will meet his or her responsibilities in a timely and orderly manner.
Acts without needing strict supervision
Be accountable for own behavior
Meet deadlines including turning in homework and being to class on time
Perseverance: The learner will continuously develop recommendations and solutions to individual problems and apply learned skills to resolve each situation by developing the following skills.
Adjust to and overcome obstacles in life
Choose commitments wisely and stick with them until they are completed
Continue to work on problems until they are resolved
Compassion: The learner will identify and develop personal values such as fairness, honesty, caring, tolerance, and self-control by developing the following skills.
Be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others
Empathize with others holding differing values or opinions
Show care for others in need
Perform service for others.
Integrity: The learner will be open and honest in all interactions with all people.
Honestly evaluate the information being learned
Use the work of others only when they are given proper credit
Be honest in our interactions with all people