An Attitude of Gratitude
Today my Sophomore advisory class and I took up the challenge of keeping a Gratitude Journal this week. Our challenge is simple: write down three things that you are grateful for today.
Can you do it? Want to join us?
A Gratitude Journal is something I’ve wanted to keep for a while now, but getting started has always proved challenging. At one counselor workshop I attended in 2018, one of my colleagues pulled out her handmade journal titled An Attitude of Gratitude that was filled with doodles, lists, and short musings about all the beautiful things she witnessed in her day. I was filled with envy.
That counselor went on to tell us what a great exercise it has been for her and how it helps keep her positive and reflective throughout the day. Positive Psychology rattles of 28 Benefits of Gratitude complete with research to back it up. Benefits that include better health, being happier, and even improving friendships.
We have a far easier time with seeing and recognizing the negative side of our day, how about taking a moment to appreciate and reflect on everything that went so wonderfully right?
Find joy in the little things. Finn and I have never taken time for chess in our regular life. I’m grateful we now have (and make) the time to connect over a classic board game.
So I want to share with you 3 things that I am grateful for today.
Coffee. Oh sweet, sweet, delicious, hot coffee on the deck while the birds chirp before my staff meeting.
A sophomore class filled with big smiles and infectious humor with the nerve to attempt the “Happy Birthday” song to me over ZOOM. It was off-key, out of sync, and glorious.
A wife that learned how to make gimbap and made me some for lunch.
Now that I think about it, three seems a little too easy for today. Maybe I’ll write more tonight.
*This blog is by Mr. Whit and does not necessarily reflect SIS faculty and staff views.